31 Jul 2014
Summer School on Biocatalysis
Juan Pablo Medina, student of Biotechnology at the University Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid) and Leticia Monsalve, student of Chemical Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, are performing summer practices in our group. The students are doing a fast training on different techniques related with biocatalysis (determination of enzyme activity, immobilization, HPLC to follow the progress of the biotransformations, etc.).
11 Jul 2014
ANQUE·ICCE·BIOTEC 2014 Congress on Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology

The Group had an active participation in the recent ANQUE·ICCE·BIOTEC 2014 Congress on Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (“Science, the key for a better life”) held in Madrid during 1-4 July 2014. Paloma Santos presented her work on "Enzymatic hydrolysis of chitosan into chitooligosaccharides: analysis of the reaction products by chromatographic techniques" and Francisco Plou the work performed by Santos Dominguez during his Master Thesis on "Synthesis of prebiotic isomaltooligosaccharides from starch by a combination of amylolytic enzymes”
8 Jul 2014
Conference at the 5th World Congress on Biotechnology
The Applied Biocatalysis Group has participated in the 5th World Congress on Biotechnology held during June 25-27 2014 in Valencia. Francisco Plou gave a conference on "Transformations of carbohydrates into prebiotic oligosaccharides using free or immobilized glycosidic enzymes". The abstract of this paper was published in the Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials.