22 Nov 2019
Participation in the Week of Science 2019
The Applied Biocatalysis Group has participated in the activities of the Institute of Catalysis and Petrochemistry during the Week of Science 2019. Students from different high schools performed experiments in which the concepts of biocatalysis, enzymes, specificity, etc. were addressed.
14 Nov 2019
Conference devoted to the Periodic Table of the Elements
During the VIII Symposium of Scientific Theatre celebrated in Medellín (Badajoz) from 14-17 November 2019, Francisco J. Plou has pronounced a conference on the relationships between the Periodic Table of the Elements and the Art (literature, music, movies, architecture, etc.). The symposium commemorates the 150 anniversary of the Periodic Table developed by Dmitri Mendeleev, basis of our current table.
13 Nov 2019
Master of Biotechnology UAM 2019
Our group has been participating since 2008 in the teaching of the Master of Biotechnology of Autonomous University of Madrid. This year the students of Biocatalysis/Nanobiotechnology subject visited the laboratories of biotransformations and directed evolution to take a closer look at the work of researchers and perform some experiments.