6 Jun 2014

Participation at the XI Carbohydrate Symposium

The Applied Biocatalysis Group has participated in the XI Jornadas de Carbohidratos (XI Carbohydrate Symposium) held in Logroño, Spain, from May 28th to 30th, 2014. Francisco Plou presented an oral communication on "Galactooligosaccharides formation during enzymatic hydrolysis of lactose: Towards prebiotic-enriched milk". The Jornadas de Carbohidratos symposium is the most important national event in Carbohydrate Chemistry, biennially organized under the auspices of the Specialized Group of Carbohydrates of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry, RSEQ.  The congress was dedicated to the scientific career of Prof. Manuel Martín-Lomas.